I've suffered from
Acne for a good 7 years now, ever since age of 11 or so. Recently I came across a doctor who specializes in Chinese medicine, this guy takes on curing people whom regular doctors would say is impossible to cure. Anyways, this guy is treating me with acupuncture, so far I've only had one session and already notice a good difference. I have very bad b
Acne in particular and it has become noticibly better after just the first session. He is going to be doing 8 sessions on me. The reason he sais is because my lymph system needs to be activated more in order to flush out the toxins better. Now I was very skeptical about this at first, but than my mother told me that when I was very young, I had a bad lymph infection around my neck, they were going to operate but due to other conditions I could not handle the operation and anitbiotics so it took a very long time to heal it naturally. This is where everything comes together. Since my lymph system is weak from my childhood infection it can very well be that this mirical doctor is onto something. It just all comes together now. I will do all 8 sessions, but he sais that I will really see results just after the first 3 or 4. He talks like he is giving me a 100% guarantee that this acupuncture treatment is going to cure me. So I will wait and see, and will report back. This could potentially be THE cause/cure solution for many
Acne sufferers.