I'd like a purchase a CS generator. I need something reasonably priced, good quality, and easy to use.
Can anyone direct me to the place where I can buy it.
Thanks a bunch.
Silverpuppy.com. I have one and it's the easiest to use and best home CS gen. on the market at $130. Fully automatic too. Silvergen makes an excellent unit too but a little more expensive at $200.
There is a great report on how to make Colloidal Silver "for pennies a gallon" at http://zapperplans.com/ This is the way I have made mine for a couple of years and it works very well. Hope this is helpful:)
Cool. To anyone who hasn't checked it out yet it involves 3 9-volt batteries and a stainless steel bowl. It is made from distilled water and a strip of .999 fine silver. Very inexpensive compared to a $200 cs generator.
use .9999 silver can get from canadian maple leaf bullion coins. also forget the DC current. use only AC high voltage. for superfine nano particles. put only the best in your body. if you want to know more let me know.
I have a friend who has 3 units left. they are 74.95 but they are the best. true high voltage AC. very well built, will last a lifetime. nano size particles.