Lugol’s Solution or Ioderol® are the preferred methods of delivery. Ioderol® is made from Lugol’s and has the same effect except the taste.
Lugol’s is a dissolved compound of
Iodine and potassium iodide, the finished compound is 5% iodine, 10%
Iodide and 85% water.
Only 2 drops give 12.5 mg of iodine, if you try to make that up with kelp or other so called organic sources then good luck.
2 drops = 12.5 mg
8 drops = 50 mg
24 drops = 150 mg
As per
Hulda Clark “The Cure for all Disease” page 443:
Lugol’s is perfectly safe (if not allergic) to take day after day, when needed, because of its peculiar attaching property. It arrives in the stomach, reattaches to everything in proximity.
NOTE: This forms a basic type of time release, allowing the blood to pick up the
Iodine as needed from the stain.