Looks like you may have second thoughts on what your truth was. Be that as it may, "don't believe all that your read...." does not stop at just the Internet my friend. Some people are regularly giving advice daily, nationwide, in person, that turns out very damaging AND they have fiat of industry-supplied credentials to do so and continue doing so despite their hideous lack of successes. It gets worse. Not only do they have all that, they also have a lukewarm customer base who blindly and willingly accept this condition as "it's the best in the world!". It's called the orthodox medical establishment. They do so with the sanction and credentials of the partner institutions of higher learning,
Science and medicince, backed up by the insitution of a complicit government/industrial complex. "don't believe everything that somebody else tells you" What are credentials? An elaborate, highly formalized system of somebody else telling you to trust or beleive what somebody else says so long as they show their formalized seal of approval called credentials. Put any of countless practices of the collective medical industry - dentistry included, under the microscope and you will find credentials by and large based on fakery and outright fraud dressed up in a lot of flowery, complex, well-funded language. Just take the cancer industry as one example. Put aside the shell game of how the method for computing live/die stats are continually changed and adjusted to make the numbers appear better than they are. In simple terms we are talking about a collective industry that during the history of the past 30 years has sought great acclaim while making a lot of profit in the process of achieving a collective 5 % success rate on all cancers combined. Am I supposed to fawn over and be impressed by the medical minds and credentials therein that made this happen? Meanwhile, Hoxsey, Rife, Caisse, Huggins, Price and Clark to name a few are assigned the credentials of belonging to fanciful medical
Conspiracy theory. Rife's credentials before he was squashed like a bug?; 16 for 16 for having cured the patients that orthodoxy had already abandoned as terminal and beyond hope; oh, by the way, Rife personally researched, developed, invented & administered the methods and machinery that was used to cure these patients. When is the last time Merck, or Galaxo or Pfizer or John's Hopkins or Sloan or the NCI or AHA or any of their brethern connected to the ADA or AMA achieved such results?
It took me 40 plus years to learn that in this world, the notion of credentials was thoroughly strip-mined, corrupted and debauched long ago. Now we have institutions -profit centers, who exist mostly to oversee and administer the exacting of a handsome entrance fee from novices who then get turned out and loose on the world, rank after rank of the newly credentialed, to go out and exploit, harm, steal, pillage, plunder and blunder; a fine ROI, wouldn't you say? I'm outside the system, may die tomorrow, but am qualified to do so on my own without a professional's assistance.