Hi sutton,
You may need to play around with the ratios of the amount of Lime water to the amount of Kelp you may be taking !
You need to find a good quality kelp if you do not have one to take !
The body needs a ratio range between the Calcium and Magnesium against the Sodium to Potassium !
In other words "IF" you do not have enough of one or the other in the Correct ratio to the others, then this may Cause problems !
In the case of the Lime water, you need a certain amount of Sodium to go along with the Lime water !
So, the kelp may need to be increased as you choose to increase the Lime water to provide the correct Ratios !
It is something which each person may need to work out by Learning to Listen to what their body may be telling them !
The Nights Sweats may be indicative of an imbalance of the Sodium to Potassium ratios in your body, and you may need to pay close attention to your body to learn to figure out what it may be that you are getting to much or too little of in this balance, thus Causing this problem !
What are some of the things you are feeling in regards to how warm do you feel in cold weather ?
Do you always feel warm or do you get cold in cold weather ?
I am going to guess that you are short of the needed Natural Sodium, which your body is needing at this point in time !
This Causes the adrenal system to not work properly and this may Cause all kind of problems !
This problem may be helped by getting more Natural Sodium from Cold water grown High Quality Kelp !
Also, you need to take time to do more full bath soaks as the one you tried with 2 pounds of Epsom Salt and 2 pounds of Baking soda and 1-2 quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, but you need to keep in mind that if you are very Sick, that you need to go slow and increase the soak time "each" day till you are soaking at least 30 minutes each day !
For this is a "VERY" powerful soak, and it may Cause a Great amount of Toxins to be Released into your Lymphatic system, and so this needs to be worked up to slowly, so as to not Cause a seizure !
For the body needs time to Remove these Toxins from the Lymphatic system !
And if you have bad problems of the shakes, then try a full soak with "JUST" 2 pounds of baking soda and nothing else in the hot water , in between the other soak with all of the ingredients !
But if the full body soak is done every day,this may Solve a Great many problems in it's self, because this may help Balance the Sodium to Potassium ratios as well as Remove excess Proteins, which may be Causing the body to become too Acidic !
Smile Tis your choice.