I realize this isn't a dermatology forum but I had to post this information. For those of you who don't know what Seborrheic Keratoses is, I've included a link w/pics and a bit of info. Don't be grossed out by the pics as the pics must be magnified quite a bit.
AAD - Seborrheic Keratoses
Anyway, this is like a mole (I guess) but is dead skin cells that accumulate and get thicker and darker. And ladies, sorry to say, we get them more than men and this condition can appear during perimenopause and menopause.
Anyway, I had one of these rite on my face. It started off small but during past 5 mos got larger and more pronounced (meaning darker and more raised up off skin). I was getting so self-conscious that I was going to have a dermatologist remove it w/liquid nitrogen (one of the ways they're removed and quite costly). And there are no creams, etc. that work to remove them so don't be fooled by all the stuff on internet.
OK, the good news is, I began oil pulling 2nd wk of Dec. '06. I've used olive, coconut, safflower and castor oil to pull. I also began using coconut oil as a moisturizer on my face about a month ago. I use it at nite as well as during the day under my foundation. 2 wks ago, I was looking at this seborrheic keratoses on my face and it looked like it was drying up. As I looked closer I saw part of it had completely dried up and lifted off my face. Then more of it dried up and fell off and now it's just a tiny little mark. Hopefully, it will all dry up and go away!
I had to post this as I know for sure it was due to oil pulling. There is nothing else that would have caused it dry up as it was there and getting larger even tho I was doing cleanses, taking herbs, etc. and yes, tried some of those “lame” creams that claim to help. It wasn't till the oil pulling that this happened. And I can't say for sure that putting the coconut oil directly on my face aided with the “dry up” but I tend to think it was more just the pulling.
Had to post this as it's another awesome manifestation I've experienced from oil pulling.