After a cure with
Iodine in Bad Hall (Upper Austria), patients with age-related maculopathy repeatedly reported improvement in visual power: the picture seen seems to be clearer on the whole or more distinct. These statements were checked in 50 patients with beginning age-related macula degeneration ('dry form') using the 'Vision Contrast test system (VCTS 6500)'. The analysis of the results showed that there is indeed a statistically highly significant improvement in contrast sensitivity after the cure (p < 0.0001). The spontaneous observations of the patients were therefore confirmed by the study.
Iodine improves macular degeneration.doc
After taking a cure with
Iodine treatments in Bad Hall (Upper Austria), patients with eye diseases repeatedly report improvements in their color vision. They state that colors are once again "more saturated, richer, and more distinct." These statements were checked using the Farnsworth Panel D-15 dicotomous test and the Lanthony desaturated 15 Hue test. The analysis of the results showed that there is indeed a statistically significant improvement in color vision after the cure. The spontaneous observations of the patients were therefore confirmed by the study.iodine improves color vision.doc