Okay thanks. I've been reading about Humaworm and would like to give it a try for my second round of parasite cleansing. I am currently on the final week of 6 weeks on Parabuster. I was planning to take a break between my current cleanse and the follow-up parasite cleanse. Should I wait a full 6 months or can the next parasite cleanse be done sooner? At this point, I am not convinced that I have rid myself of all my parasites which is why I'm convinced I should at least do another round.
Humaworm sounds extremely interesting. There are only a couple of ingredients that make me hesitate. The first one is psyllium. I opted for the Oxypowder/Parabuster cleanses specifically because they have no psyllium involved. I have done many other cleanses in the past in my desperate yet rather futile attempts to resolve chronic intestinal issues. The problem has always been that psyllium (and similar bulking type fibre products) always cause extreme constipation and bloating for me no matter how much water I ingest per day. So I am now petrified of psyllium. Constipation issues is one of the big issues I'm trying to solve so it gets really disappointing when the psyllium makes it that much worse for me.
The other product in Humaworm that has me hesitating is the Senna. I have been told many times that Senna irritates the intestines. I used to take Senna on occasion to move my bowels and push things out. But then stopped after I started hearing such things.
Do you have any products similar to Humaworm that have other ingredients than psyllium and senna to move the bowels and expel the parasites? I don't know why I have so much trouble with psyllium but I would really hate to kill off a bunch of these parasites only to have them stay stuck in the system.