Hello, I am not so sure about the issue at hand, but after having my first baby last year, I got the IUD in place of pills, I am not sure if my body has changed because of the pregnancy, or due to irritablity of the IUD....
I now have my period off and on for 8 to 14 days, as opposed to the once so short 3 to 4 days pre-pregnancy...
I have odd discharge, of and on all month,
am manicly moody, with the flip of a switch,
and on top of it all,
no matter how much I work out, or how healthy i eat....My weight won't budge....
Are one else having these problems?
I also get horrible shooting cramps from time to time right through my pelvis area- gut renching, really.....its horrible!
I use to be so completely happy all the time, and never had so many issues with my period, ever!
Anyone have advice? thanks you so much, e