MH 108
This person went to a surgeon/md "FIRST" and that shows where they trust, not in Nature. Those that live against Nature, have such problems, it is too be expectd.
It is as simple as pH, low pH and you pee your bones down the drain, normal pH and your body builds strong healthy bones.
HERBS are dead minerals on average, they are all aids that work as well as the liver works.
It takes diet and habit to make the change from death to life, something 98% will never do, or do way too late, normally after they hve done a life of drug use.
Those that want to live? If they make it this far, they will read my web site and soon learn they hate everything they read and they will hate BOOK I even worse and it is always their choice to live to live or live to die. Today the surgons are putting in metal joints and chopping up spines every day to the maximum. Their methods are permanent and only to extend life a little longer.