Halogen Imbalance Syndrome (HIS) is a real phenomenon, which deals not only with whether we are short in
Iodine (which most are), but rather with a more holistic view that the body is more healthy when there is a proper balance of iodine, bromine, chlorine and fluoride in the body.
The term H.I.S. was first coined on this board, about two weeks ago. HIS is an underlying condition, which causes many forms of dis-ease.
People are always well informed and somethimes even hung up on calcium, magnesium, potassium supplements, etc. as relieving them from leg cramps, insomnia, etc. ; yet they completely ignore the four halogens in their lives, which reside on the other side of the periodic table. The main reason for this is that most people are programmed how to think by the Big Media moguls, who control what is printed and broadcast.
Ca, Mg et cet. are all electropositive elements, whereas the halogens Fluorine (F), Bromine(Br), Chlorine (Cl),
Iodine ( I ) are all electronegative, with fluorine being the most electronegative (and most reactive) of all elements in the periodic table. Every day people drink tons of fluoride, bromide, and chloride in this country and globally. Yet, there is an
Iodine shortage. And chlorine, bromine, and fluorine can all take up residence in body tissues where iodine is normally supposed to be (such as being appended to organic molecules, enzymes, proteins, etc.), because they are in the same element family in the periodic table, and have identical outer electron structures.
To ignore the electronegative elements and focus only on the electropositive is a huge mistake.
Based on what I've read from several MD's, consuming elevated quantities of iodine in the short term can flush out excesses of fluoride and bromide present in many body tissues. It may in many cases be desirable to eliminate the overpopulation of undesirable halogens, and put back the iodine where it needs to be. Once this is done, one may only need to avoid fluoride and bromide, and continue with maintenance levels of iodine, as was once done, when iodine was added to bread.
We have seen dramatic improvements in symptoms of many people who supplement with iodine, here on the web, and also from literature, and randomized, double-blind studies. I will not be surprised at reading of more great stories and look forward to it.