Mercury it may well be, V. I had my
Amalgams removed about 5 years ago. Residual could still be present.
I'm thinking fungus (candida spores) or some other such pathogen as well. I'd like to study what other sources of the various halogens can introduce themselves into the body/brain. For e.g., I worked in the bar scene - lots of cigarette smoke - for a few years in my 20's. The chemical components of second hand smoke are so deleterious to the health that the "system" had it banned from public places for a host of reasons. Doing a breakdown of second hand cig smoke might prove worthy.
Also had exposure to indoor public pools - with their attendant bromines//chlorines back in the day, as well.
The only thing I've had success with, with regards to this right sinus thing has been to oil pull with oregano oil - and LOTS of it.
I could only last 4 hours yesterday on the
Iodine flush. My entire colon (small & large) swelled like a balloon. I had unmoveable, unshakable air/gas accumulation that would simply refuse to move. The pain was intense until midnight. I finally had to take a little nasty OTC called 'aleve' in order to allay the headache.
I have high hopes that I'll eventually understand what the hell happened to me, but until then, I'll have to back off the higher doses.
I took the Atomidine (2 drops per hour as suggested) for it was the only
Iodine in my possession.
V, thank you for your wonderful expertise. We're certainly all learning alot as we go along.