Hi magic_glitter...The best juice for the liver is carrot, beet and cucumber. That
same combination is also good for the kidneys.
Beet has a very cleansing effect, so start with just 1/4 or so. And always toss in
a beet leaf if you can. Cucumber is one of the best to cleanse the kidneys, but is
also good for the liver. Cucumber is also good for the skin.
The best and fastest way to learn the ins and outs of
juicing and what each
veggie and fruit does, is to go in search of the N.W. Walker books. You can
get them on ebay on and off all the time for pennies but they're worth their
weight in gold.
A couple of my favorite books by N W Walker are:
Diet & Salad...but it's not a recipe book...it tells what each fruit and veggie
does for our bodies and tons of other priceless information.
Fruit & Vegetable Juices...Is a wealth of information. It goes to real depths
telling us what each of the more important veggies and
fruits do for our bodies. He also discusses many, many
common ailments and tells us what is mis-aligned in our
bodies..that is causing that problem and how to turn it
around with juicing.
I own all the N. W. Walker books and if you buy them new at your local health food
store, they're only about $6-$7 brand new...but they are just about my all time
favorite books.
Anyone really interested in
juicing would be wise to collect all of N.W. Walkers
books and read them from cover to cover. They're so simply written a child could
understand...and absolutely worth their weight in gold.
Good luck! Kathryn