So, then you have created another question :-). Do you put the raw egg in with the dry food? Also, what about the before food, or with food?
I bought some of the Redmond's RealSalt that I have been adding to my water, once a day. How much does your 'highness' get?...each bowl?
Yes, I just crack the egg and kind of "swish" it around on top of the dry food. :)
Also with the soon as he finishes that bottle of huge flax oil pills I'll just drizzle it over his dry food. He really doesn't like the dry, but I can't afford the chicken for such a big dog. Plus it grosses me out, LOL. Eggs I can do. You'll be amazed at the result with just the egg. My sister started her great dane on them and her coat turned silky soft.
With the salt I wasn't real sure about starting that, so I just put a couple of grains of salt in his water bowl which is about 4 cups.
He'd love to be on a totally raw diet but I can't do that right now for him. I would switch back and forth from chicken (whole leg quarters) to 80/20 burger with whole grain rice and egg mixed in with the burger. He loved it and I tell you the dog digested almost all and not much was wasted if you know what I mean, hee hee.
Good luck, you might check out the pet forum here on curezone or google raw food for dogs and you'll get a ton of info.
Good luck and good night.