Hi Moreless,
I am new to this forum and have had a very serious health problem for a long time. I have not had considerable improvement, yet. But, I do know TRUTH when I see it. I have spent year after year going to allopathic and hollistic practioners. I lost years of my life and was given false information while I was supporting these people.
You, on the other hand, have not even asked for a dime from me or anyone else and I have been educated beyond measure. I know that I will be well in time because of all the information on here. Honestly, I feel like God has given me a second chance at life, because I would have not lasted much longer.
I read past posts and absorb as much as I can everyday. I am taking those baths (sometimes twice a day) and following the protocol.
The kindness and support on here is immesuarble. And above all I now have hope.
As soon as I turn the corner, I will give an update.
Until then, I am praying for everyone on here with love and gratitude.