You're right, pepe, and I do understand. Thank you.
What I am experiencing... I have a hard lump inside the soft area between the outer ankle and the heel. It started out as a finger like shape with a ball on the end. It seems to be coming from the toes side, not the ankle or the heel. But the ball part has grown in diameter and sometimes it is as large as my ankle bone. But usually it is only about the size of a grape. At least that is the part I can feel. It's size does vary at times. My diet does determine its size at times, I have noticed. It feels bony. That's why I think maybe it's calcium. It doesn't usually cause any dicomfort, unless it gets "caught" , or if it is quite large, it puts pressure on the surrounding bones and that causes some discomfort. And sometimes I feel what feels like swollen glands feel when they ache.
Anyway, that is what I am hoping to heal. I am not sure what it is, only guessing.
Thanks again.