Hi ozone bubble,
Congratulations on your first enema! You did well. You did not tell us what kind of solution you used; was it plain water, a saline solution, etc. For some general info go to my blog link below.
First cold water enemas are hard to retain and are not really suited for cleansing. The preferred temperature for a cleansing enema is 103 degrees F but I prefer mine closer to 107 degrees.
Second plain water enemas are not ideal for deep cleansing. My blog covers this subject so I will not repeat it here.
Third depending on the solution, retention is important. Warm enemas are more easily retained than cold ones. Also the quantity of solution retained is important. An average adult needs to take a 2 quart enema for a good cleansing and I repeat this for at least two times to clear my bowels completely.
Forth depending on your diet a 2-week previous Master cleanse should not have emptied you for a full 2 weeks. If you eat 3 meals a day you would have residue that can be flushed out.
So read my blog and try again!