You have every right to be concerned when we tend to fragment health care to the point where it seems more allopathic than holistic and natural. However, most of us exist in a fragmented society where our lives are pulled apart by the necessity of work, family, friends, entertainment, religion and on and on. Our health concerns also seem to come from many sources; poor diet, stress, injury, environment, genetics, chemicals, even possible
Conspiracy all tend to contribute to health breakdowns and problems.
However, if our common goal is to bring the body into balance, then we must be willing to identify and address our specific problems. Years of chlorinated, fluoridated water, fluoride toothpaste, far too many soft drinks, plus
White Sugar , flour, salt and transfats in the diet have left many of us mineral poor. If using either kelp or an
Iodine supplement will help us come into balance, then I am all for it. Obviously, this will not be a universal cure all any more than liver flushing, colon cleansing, or the Moreless drink is. But if using
Iodine will help us become more balanced and healthy, then I want to learn all I can so I can do this safely.
A post was made on
Iodine overdose on a couple of forums. The source is a traditional government sponsored medical site. Of course they are going to be overly cautious. I found that site when I was researching the dangers of too much iodine, but I felt it was hardly from a neutral source. I want the truth, both good and bad, not scare tactics from a pharma controlled mindset, or a too good to be true peprally from someone with only a smattering of scientific knowledge. I would like to see a lot of Vulcanel's writing reposted as a foundation of this proposed forum. I hope this forum will not be committed to a single product or a single modality, but simply support the use of iodine to help cleanse, detox and balance the body.
I think we all need more solid education, not empty promises or sales pitches.