Anyone who claims calcium hydroxide to be an oxidizing agent is not someone I want to deal with. Anyone knowledgeable in chemistry would disagree with that statement Ca(OH)2 is an oxidizer. Coupled with the plurality of other non-sensical statements in that forum by its host, a case can be made that the Ask MORELESS:pH forum is a potential public health hazard.
I'm not saying I like ML, or don't like ML. I don't even know the guy / gal or even if it is a guy or gal. We might even be friends, but I don't care to know either way. All I am saying, is that a case could be made that the Ask MORELESS:pH forum is a potential public health hazard based on policy and custom. That is my opinion. As an opinion, it is by definition neither right nor wrong, so you can agree or disagree, but it remains my opinion.
I hope nobody ever gets hurt from ML's advice. I don't like reading about people getting hurt. But you've got a lot of non-educated people out there, and it is only a matter of time before someone gets hurt, in my view.
In Curezone's forum under Ask MORELESS: pH
Hi Vulcanel,
Because is seems "YOU" may have a problem reading what I suggest or do not suggest, It may be time to Clarify some things for "YOUR" benifit ?
"NOWHERE" have I "EVER" suggested for a person to put Calcium Hydroxide in their eyes !
In "FACT" I have made Statements that a person needs to be sure to "NOT" get the Calcium Hydroxide in their eyes, because it is too Powerful of an Oxidizing agent and may Cause the eyes to get a Caustic Burn !
I hope this was plain enough info for "YOU" to understand !
Sometimes it may pay for a person to learn to read correctly ? (PERSONAL SHOT - JUVENILE)
Smile Tis your choice.
Dear Internet person known as "MORELESS",
You'll notice that I haven't showed up here on Curezone's forum to ask you anything, and there is a good reason for this.
It is because "YOU" don't have anything of benefit for me, so I reject this and any other of "YOUR" offers
to me of any purported benefit.
I do not wish to be associated with you whatsoever.
Thank you.
I wish you well in your continued efforts at becoming a more positive person.