I agree with you...
"get away from mercury and fluoride. i guarantee that is your problem. get lots of kelp for the iodine. you must eat less and eat only organic food. as soon as you can, hot baths with cold showers. hot sauna and then jump in frozen pond or snow. you must retrain your system and clean it up. the poisons are killing you by degrees(literally)."
However, I am starting to understand that if we have even one hormone producing gland out of sync, the whole thing can be whacked out. Some recent reading indicated that reduced adrenal efficiency can cause someone to think they have a thyroid issue when in fact it could be adrenal... and I would imagine this can be an unending chain. The whole body works in concert (synergy) and ails are trying to knock us upside the head that something is wrong or out of whack.
A good quality kelp and therapeutic doses should help... maybe start with the recommended dose of 1/4 teaspoon and then go from there.
get the certified organic powder... a pound will last a while. The last one I bought from here was labeled as "Frontier" brand.