Hi Hanna, I think ghee is good, but its quality will of course depend upon the raw material from which it is prep'd. For those who don't know about it, at least according to my understanding, ghee is ancient stuff, popular in the mideast / India / asia minor region and is made by heating butter and boiling off the water and skimming the froth/foam and then letting it cool and pouring off the liquid portion. The ghee is the decanted liquid, which then turns semi-solid. It's a higher refined butter, constituting a larger percentage of the lower molecular weight fractions than present in crude butter. I see it from a chemical prep standpoint, as being very close to what Price was doing in producing his activator X butter, as I understand it, except that Price centrifuged the molten material and then allowed it to slowly crystallize 24h at 70F prior to decanting the liquid. I haven't done all that, just eat lots of butter instead to compensate; he was producing a concentrate. I would personally highly desire to obtain ghee made from cows eating rapidly growing grass in spring and fall, but, I am so far most happy with the butter of Denmark. Keep in mind that the Europeans add their fluoride not to the municipal water supplies, but to salt, analogously to how the yanks in the states add iodate to salt. This means that if one buys salted butter from Europe, although they are avoiding the BGH and dead white cells otherwise found in american butter, they are getting fluoride. Thus, I buy only unsalted European butter, when out of season locally.