A questions were asked on who has the moderator privileges on CureZone?
If I remember well, Agnes, Bob, Lillian, Andreas, Shelley, Ana and Ev were the last forum owners who also had moderator privileges. Most of them were first moderators, then later forum owners, except for
Andreas Moritz who got a forum and moderator privileges at about the same time.
He is the first and the last one.
Next forum owners have no, have never had and have never needed moderator privileges:
MH, Moreless, Kelley, Kelly, Humaworm, Dennis, Cindy, Dr.Jef, Dan, Eric, George, Dr.Schulze, Libra, Melisa, Rosie, Torrie, Jill etc ...
While they have no moderator privileges, they are free to ask any moderator to remove any message from their own forum ... and in most cases ... moderators will do it without a question. Inside their forum, they are masters.
Outside their own forum ... they are just like any other user. No special rights.
So, if your message was removed from any "Ask ***" forum, there are at least 3 possibilities:
1. Owner asked a moderator to remove it
2. a message was an obvious troll ... so moderator acted on it's own without waiting for an alert from a forum owner.
3. A message was below removed(hidden or deleted) message
I would estimate that it is about 33:33:33
1/3 of the messages are removed by moderators based on their own judgment,
1/3 of the messages are removed upon a request from forum owner and
1/3 of all hidden messages are victims, people who's messages disappeared due to being a part of hidden thread
Moderators know your username if they can see your #number and vice verse.
Moderators are not allowed to disclose it to non-moderators or to forum owners.
How do people, who are not moderators, find your identity (how do they link your username to your #number)?
There are generally 3 or 4 main ways how anyone could discover a link between your username and your #number:
1. You posted 2 messages inside a same thread, or inside a same forum, one message with your username, another one with your #number, but it was clear to just about everyone that it is one single person. I have come across at least 500 threads where at least 500 CureZone users have done this. I have personally edited at least 50 of those messages, in order to protect privacy ... but in 90% of cases, I have not had the time to do it.
2. You gave up yourself by your writing style, your opinion, something else you previously disclosed about yourself, or, in some cases ... people even sign their message with their username ... (while message is posted under #number)
3. You gave up yourself by replying to someone who emailed you from curezone, while he/she emailed you from a message you posted by #number.
4. Somebody else... another curezone user who actually knows your number, gave you up, by mistake ...
There are so many ways how people disclose their identity that I have no time thinking and listing it all here. It often happens by trying to email someone or by trying to reply to someone who emailed you.
Is voting anonymous, or can moderators see who voted pro/con a message?
All voting and all surveys on CureZone are anonymous. Even I can't easily find who voted where.
How do some people say: "I know it is you who voted against my message?"
They are just shooting in a dark. They can't know. I can't know who votes on my own messages. The software was designed to protect privacy of those voting ... and that is what software does.