"because (of) what little we have going as far as research goes"
It is not that we have little... it has been done and is, in my opinion available, but who has it? If it is in plain site it is muddled with all kinds of pseudoscience and psychobabble that confounds and confuses. That is why there are
Debate Forums here.
A little off topic (not as it applies to nutritional information though) but maybe something that could be discussed in the Curezone Expert Debate forum.
once again I ask, please help to put the puzzle together...
We have available copious amounts of very nutritionally poor quality foods for our taste bud pleasure and enjoyment, Organic food standards being bastardized into the ground, making them little more than worthless, chlorinated, fluoridated water to drink (even bottled water); nutritionally robbing environmental and pharma toxins that are inescapable (even the pharma toxins are now found in water and food), near worthless synthetic supplements that are most often liver clogging, blood\lymph sludging garbage, and now the impending Codex Alimentarius.
What a mess. And we wonder why we are sick and have such a struggle getting and then even staying well. A
Conspiracy of the highest order?
I am not trying to illicit any type of fear, just inform people of what is happening to the food and our nutrition (Pa Rockefeller once stated he who controls the money controls the world... after WWII that was changed to he who controls the food controls the world) while we are being distracted...
I love simple things like oil pulling for the reasons noted above.