Well, it has been interesting. With the next 2, it seems that not much progress was made, but looks can be deceiving (that's for sure!) About a week ago I was not able to sleep. I'd sleep about 3 hours and then toss and turn the rest of the night. I was miserable to say the least. My next appt wasn't for 2 more weeks; but I knew something was going on, so I called and got in to see her yesterday. I was telling her my sob story: "I've been feeling really good, been saying my affirmations, using EFT".....then she cut in and said: "Now what a minute, this isn't a set back. This is progress. Think of it like an onion, you take one layer off, then there's another one. You've 'taken care of' one layer, now here's another one to deal with." So, by using kinesiology, my problem was that I'm afraid of the dark. So using N.O.T. she took me out of fight/flight. I told her that I'm so afraid of being assulted in some way and asked her why. She tested me, and she said that my body is not willing to deal with it right now. My body wanted/needed a homeopathic remedy called 'symphytum', I don't know if it's for my 'darkness' issue or my 'assult' issue. So I figure that something happened to me when I was younger, assulted in some way, but I don't remember it right now. I'll just deal with it when my body is ready.
My son's appt. He had fallen on the ice and had gotten a Type II concussion. His appt. was about a week later. She checked him out and was totally amazed that his skull was fine! WooHoo! And he has GROWN 1
inch IN 8 WEEKS!! He's doing great!! She worked on his bedwetting. The first week he was dry every other day. Then for the next 2 weeks he's been dry!! AWESOME!
I took my daughter in for the first time for her acne. I took her because we had tried about 5 different things, 2 of those being natural things. I figured that it was an emotional issue and not a physical issue. The doc said that I was right. She was telling herself that she was ugly, so her body made her more ugly because she was telling herself she was. It's all in the mind. The doc said that the tea tree oil that we had been using on her face is what she's suppose to be using (A.K), but her mind was over riding the oil. She once she changings her thinking, what she thought of herself, then the
Acne will change and the oil will help. The doc also discovered that she was in fight/flight because of her distressed delivery 16 years ago, so she used N.O.T. to take her out of that.