Hi Plasticat,
I have had the same question myself. (I have flushed 5 times with few "stones" per se, which has made me wonder if I have stones at all, especially since I had a sonogram a few months ago which revealed no stones!)
However, I have read some of the recommended posts -- the "science" ones often deal with this debate. Have you read those? They cleared up a lot of doubt for me.
As does anecdotal evidence. Like CA, who said that she had thrown up a lot but still had gotten stones, or had not thrown up but had gotten stones. And people who have reported the bright-green stones although they have used heavy cream or coconut oil.
Also, I eat a lot of olive oil and I have never had anything quite that emerald shade of green come out of me!
For me, in the end it comes down to how I feel. Which is better after flushing, regardless of yield, so to speak. I have consumed a lot of apple cider in the weeks before my flushes, and have started taking Chinese Bitters in the day or two before the flush, so I have let go of the idea of producing a lot of actual stones, as the apple cider and bitters break down the stones. I have mostly gotten a lot of what I have been told is gallbladder product as denoted by its golden-brown color and non-BM, distinctive smell. (I know these are very subjective measures, but that being said I have still noticed a difference from normal bathroom activities and byproducts.)
I have a friend who has been flushing for a year or two. He assures me I have stones of some sort as I still have some
Acne left (that diet and oil pulling have not cleared up, and they have cleared up a LOT). I do plan to keep on flushing unless I have such a terrific experience with the coffee enamas (which are said by many to be as effective but not as taxing as the liver flush...) that I abandon the flush and stick with the enemas themselves.
Anyway, even after my "worst" flushes I am still really grateful to have found Curezone and this community. (Maybe I just flush, oil pull, etc. so I can hang out with you all!) I believe in the theroy even if I have not gotten textbook results, and that is OK for me right now. I talked to a friend tonight whose friend, who is a doctor, has performed colonosopies on people whom you would expect to have less-than-perfect systems. He said he has never seen mucoid placque, the ropey stuff, etc. that you hear about over on the
Master-Cleanse forum. This shook me up a little bit, too -- but the bottom line is that whatever the "result" and whatever the medical community thinks or doesn't think about all of this stuff, I and so many others are having tangible results that can only be sending us toward better health, rather than away.
Who knows? Maybe it's all a placebo effect derived from the power of group participation and support here?! But, I do feel in my heart (and my head -- and, in my gut!) that we are all onto something, and that this journey is a good one, and that it is made possible by reading the experience and suggestions of others, and from the support here. If you told me tomorrow that there was absolute proof that flushing or the
Master-Cleanse or oil pulling was hogwash, what I would miss the most would be reading your posts and being part of these forums!
So, thanks, all for being part of my path. It is an honor to be part of yours! Happy flushing --
ps I ate a LOT of dried apricots last night. Just a suggestion: if anyone ever needs a good clean-out, dried apricots are the way to go. I may try them instead of the ES the morning after my next flush (tastier, too!) Sheesh! I would be surprised if there was ANYTHING left inside of me!