I have been plagued with itchy spots for the past couple years and was wondering if you know if there is a particular organ involved with skin conditions? I thought I remember reading it was the liver or kidneys but I could be wrong. I've done a bunch of cleansing in the past (bowel, liver, parasite, master cleanse, dental) but nothing in about 2 years or so because I had a baby and am still breastfeeding. My main itchy spot is on my scalp which I had years ago and used cortisone cream to make it "go away." Well when I did my first liver flush it came back! I thought that was pretty interesting. Anyway, I did a total of 7 liver flushes and it has stayed. About a month ago I got so fed up with it I broke down and bought some Scalpicin and that did make it go way, however, not completely and it is starting to get itchy again. My newest itchy spots are on my elbows. It's bumpy, red and dry. I don't have a diagnosis so I don't know for sure what it is. Right now I'm putting some homeopathic cream for psoriasis and it seems to be helping. I appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks so much!