You will work out all karma and "doing good" does not erase past karma. In fact, many who are "doing good" are in fact creating more karma. (One of life's greatest lessons is that there are many others who don't wish to receive "good" and if you give it to them without their permission, presto, more karma. Also love isn't necessarily being "nice" to others either. It's allowing them to be who they are, regardless of what you think they "should" do.)
Until you take full responsibility for all of your actions (self defense, good reasoning included) you will continue to play the karma game. You as spirit have created everything that has ever happened to you in this lifetime and all your past lives. Karma is created when you invade the space of another individual and most all of us do it on a daily basis.
There is one way around karma, and that is forgiveness. It is what Jesus brought to the planet to end the karma game. You have to forgive everyone their invasions of you, and you have to forgive yourself your invasions of others. It is easiest done on a daily basis.
You are spirit. You have a body. You have had many bodies. An "idea" from the human brain is thought. Spirit does not have thought, it knows and it sees. You are here from past lives or other realities because you have karma that you have decided to work off in this reality. It was your decision to be here and you made and agreement with the Supreme Being to take a body on planet earth to do just that.
"Doing good" does not work off karma. Forgiveness of yourself and others releases karma forever. We are here to forgive and to walk our path, the unique route we each agreed to take when we made our agreement with the Supreme Being.
Within yourself is your path, your direction and what you came here to do. All you have to do to find it, is to look within. Even Oprah knows that one.
When you begin to recognize yourself as spirit, you begin to recognize the All That Is as well.
"Karma, like god, is a creation of the amazing
human brain. THerefore, it can be anything humans can think up. For some of us
'purists', and I don't mean 'better than' by that, we simply hold up Karma as a
guide to help us do good.
"WE" use this concept to show us that doing good will create more
good. It's basis in reality is the strength of the Karma idea, please don't
bring the esoteric ethereal erroneous ideas to Karma or we will lose it'spurpose
and benefits.
"You" can do whatever you feel is best with this idea, but please
consider that KArma is an idea and not something "out there" for us to
investigate or whatever."