Hi, im a 46 year old cacer fighter for the past 21/2 years.
If you look back at some of my old posts you'll see how I outlived my prognosis by narly 2 years so far and Im healthy as ever.
Sad to say,but its realy hard to get what you need to get started cheap.
You really need a juicer, not the cheap highspeed ones at k-mart. They destroy the enzymes your looking for.you need a wormgear type that more or less crushes the juice out at a slow speed. I got a Greenstar online for about $350.00.You can get a hand crank model very cheap but this is alot of work but may be worth it in your case.
Stop eating out of a box.By ONLY fresh fruits and vegatables. Try to eat these raw at least 75% raw.
Stay away from the 4 deadly whites, Sugar,Table salt,Flour,and white rice.NOTHING PROCESSED.
If man made it,Don't put it in your mouth,If you cant eat it dont put it on your body.
Study hard and I mean HARD. Find out all the "Foods that heal" and incorporate them as the main part of your diet.
Try everything that makes sense to you AFTER you study it. Don't think its bogus untill you really look at and study something,For example,Urine therapy is quite effective and VERY,VERY CHEAP,I believe its FREE.Some may think its icky but it is really a very sterile substance.
No more dairy, Ive gone completely to nut milks.You can make this with a juicer or buy it from the grocery stores.
It is exspensive but it can be done.
Look, Youre not going to buy sugar, salt, rice,white flour or anything that contains these items. Your not going to buy anymore processed foods or anything man made.
Your not buying anything that comes in a box. Your not going to buy anymore dairy products.No more make-up or unnatural personal hygene products. The money spent should even out. Its just some things you may need to get started that can be expensive,Like a good juicer,A medical Grade ozonator(these are a wonderful healing tools),Mini trampoline for rebounding.
I know there's alot to take in and Im leaving out a ton of info.But if you study hard,and actually DO a all natural protocal you will live a longer healthier life than if don't. Do what you can.
If you need any support or have any questions feel free to e-mail me at dragon29@earthlik.net.
God bless and stay healthy,