Hi! They extra puffiness in your face/cheeks, etc.., can be fluid build-up and inflamation-- and not necessarily fat. Do you ever get any sinus issues at times? Could be some facial massage and drinking more water between your meals could help drain that fluid- and you'll notice a more sleeker face.
Do you have any metal fillings still in your mouth? sometimes when people get thier fillings replaced with composite --instead of mercury amalgam, facial inflammation diminishes-- and their faces get leaner-- and they even drop any built up fluid weight all over the rest of thier body too.
Also- you could just have really healthy pronounced cheekbones- and that's actually a good sign of healthy bone structure. The rest of us in the population with narrow faces do not have the bone structure God intended us to have. We who have narrow features and thinner bone structure actually have stunted bone growth. If they exacavate our bodies centuries later, they may marvel at how undernourished our skeletons are.
If you look at photos of healthy native tribes-, or healthy civilizations, you'll notice they have healthy wide even teeth and healthy pronounced cheekbones and jaw lines. This is a sign of good bone health growing up.