Maybe it is because those people who make "Negative" posts in a forum and try to "Hide" behind their # instead of being willing for the public see their Handle and Know the Real person and their Real intentions ?
It never stops amazing me how those who Holler the Loudest about injustice, may also be some of the "SICKEST" and "MOST" Diseased people on curezone , but they may always try Hiding behind something when they make "Negative" posts, while making Great Claims about just how Bad "other" people are being and just how "Negative" other posters may appear to them, all the while they forget to look in the mirror and see themselfs as the "Biggest" Hiprocrite of "ALL" !
"IF" those of you who want to keep Complaining that everyone should listen to your advice, maybe you need to take your own advice "First" ?
And as the ole saying may go: If the Kitchen gets too "HOT" for "YOU", then maybe "YOU" had Better "LEAVE" before getting "Burned" !
Smile Tis your choice.