You are acting the part of a troll. You know there are many articles that cover that very event (or many events) all over the Internet and you're asking Cure Zone?
I'll respond with:
With billions of galaxies, do you think that Planet Earth is the only place where higher intelligence exists in bodies/animal form? Do you really believe that humans on Planet Earth are the most advanced form of life in a body?
You are spirit. Everyone on the planet is spirit - separate from our bodies. We are all equal. Where did you as spirit originate? Do you think that you are only a body and that a spirit will only be created when you die? What part of you is eternal?
There is no conflict between evolution and creation. Remember, it wasn't but 300-400 years ago that The Christian Church taught that The Earth was the center of the universe and that the sun and stars revolved around Earth. All you have to do is to delve into evolution science as deeply as you do the bible and you will soon recognize that it is still creation, by the hand of God.
I don't know and I don't really care. You don't have a clue either, you are just trying to promote a "six day" creationist lie. God created life, and if you would listen to science, atheists and all, you will find out how it all began with the Creator's guiding hand.
You are spirit. You have a temple, your body. Who created you? What part of you will live after your body dies? And your body will surely die.
Who created "life" has no meaning. Who created spirit does.
Troll, troll, troll, away.
Here's what NASA has to say about it - they are working on it.
The earliest of humanity's history records speculations about how life began. It is a very practical question, relating to such issues as the relationship between the ecosystem and the environment of the Earth, but it is also deeply tied to humanity's quest to understand itself and where it came from. Our understanding of how easy or difficult it is for life to form directly affects our thinking about whether or not we are alone in the cosmos.
NASA's astrobiology program broadly addresses the origin and evolution of life in the universe. Part of this research is aimed at understanding how life began on Earth. This includes:
"It was not a troll question. it was a valid question."
It was in fact a troll question. It is a question that with very little Internet searching you can answer yourself. You are trying to set up people to throw darts at them. It's called hatred.
You have never responded to - who created you? What will happen when your feeble body dies? What part of you will live forever?
The Earth, humans, the Universe is an illusion. Spirit is the only thing that is real.
'Then that means you have a very vivid imagination.'"
Just the opposite is true. It takes a vivid imagination to believe that
what you see around you is real. Spirit is real. Body/material is
imaginary. We created this to learn from.
"If all physical things are imaginary, why bother
to eat imaginary food, sleep on an imaginary bed and respond to these post on
your imaginary computer if they are all illusions?
How illusional are you? How many friends do you have that are only an illusion?
Enquiring minds want to know :)"
To eat is to perpetuate the illusion which we have all created in order to
learn on Planet Earth. When you recognize that it is an illusion, it makes
everything much easier and more of the hilarious game that it really is.
Bodes are serious. Bodies fear death and those who wish to control you
create fear. It's that simple. Spirit is light. Spirit is
worry free. Spirit is having a ball. Spirit is eternal. Spirit
cannot be killed. All spirit are returning to God.
The friends I have are spirit. Everyone is spirit. I recognize
everyone as spirit, not as a body.
"Well good luck in your imaginary world! Take good
care of your imaginary friends and spirits, and even the real spirits.
Have you considered adopting and taking care virtual pets? They are much more
agreeable and less argumentative than all these imaginary people in here.
Please disregard this post. This post is only an illusion and requires no
So, I take it that you don't believe the bible? How about the following passage written by Paul:
The bible in that passage clearly states that what your physical eyes see is illusionary (temporary) while spirit is eternal. It isn't rocket science. And, while were at it, how about Paul's trip to the Third Heaven? He clearly stated he didn't know if his travel was in body or in spirit (and not astral projection), but he described it very clearly. Do you want the quotations for that journey to the Third Heaven? How many sermons have you heard on that one? Paul clearly understood the difference between spirit and body.
You can josh with me, but I'm with Paul.
"Again you choose one verse and try to pervert it to what you want it to mean."
And I quoted Paul in
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (NIV)
So, I take a literal interpretation of that scripture and you call me a liar? You say that I perverted it? Where does it say anything different than what I said it is?
And you said: "God revealed to Paul what he wanted Paul to see, just like He revealed what was meant for John to see."
Nowhere does it say anything near what you you have added. You are adding to scripture to make it match your own concepts. It is what the "literal interpreters" of the bible have to do to make it match their (dis)belief.
I will quote again:
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (NIV)
That passage clearly states that what you see with your eyes are temporary (that's exactly what it says), and what is temporary is illusionary.
Spirit (you are spirit, you are not your body) is eternal. All spiritual things are eternal. Again, quoting from Paul:
Once again stating all things physical will end (are temporary, are an illusion), while love (spiritual and unseen and unheard) lasts forever. You don't think about love, you experience love. That's the difference between spirit and body. All things spirit have nothing to do with knowledge, they are experiential.
Learn to experience yourself as spirit. Learn about spirit, the one that is you that resides in your body (and which is neither your body nor your thoughts) and the scriptures will open up, literally, and you won't have to dance, twist and call others who make literal quotes, liars.
"You made your own can believe what you want"
You have obviously made one for yourself that is in no way based on a literal interpretation of the bible. You have proven that. You have created a world in which you have to add to the bible and edit it to make it read the way that you want it to, or more correctly, the way that you were programmed to believe.