Thank you Zack for confirming what I thought was true.
I at one time worked at the Palm Beach Health Clinic, and I was there with several PhD's that had their Doctorate in Nutrion.
It would amaze me the things that they would eat?
So called health bars with of all things in the ingredients --- Aspertame!
I would tell the PhD's that Aspertame was no good, but they had some excuse as how the fiber that was in the "bar" made up for the Aspertame?
I just shook my head in unbelief!
They had chips in the snack room, cookies, candy etc.
not all of them ate that way, but enough to make me think to myself,
These are Doctors of Nutrution?
Hired by the State to teach people how to eat?
So yes I learned from that experience not to trust those with PhD after their name as that does not always signify correct knowledge.
Again Thank you,
I believe that the natural food that was originally given to mankind to eat was from the trees.