Some of Dr. Hardy’s Favorite Juices
Natural Lemon Aid: 4 apples, ¼ lemon with the peel
Stomach: one cup of cabbage, 4 carrots, 2 stalks of celery
Liver: ½ beet with the greens, 3 apples, 2 carrots
Bones: 6 carrots, 1 apple, 1 cup spinach *this is also a Master daily juice*
Skin: 6 carrots, ½ bell pepper, ½ cup kale
Body Cleanser (detox drink): 3 carrots, ½ cucumber, ½ beet with the greens
Lungs: 5 carrots, ½ cup cabbage, ¼ cup potato
Pancreas: 4 carrots, ¼ cup string beans, 3 Brussels sprouts, ½ cup lettuce
Anti-viral: 1 apple, 2 oranges, one cup pineapple *this is also a Master daily
Immune system: 3 carrots, 1 stalk celery, 1 apple, ½ beet with the greens, ¼ cup wheat grass, ¼ cup parsley
Alkaline drink: 2 carrots, one 3 inch wedge of cabbage, 4 stalks celery
Blood builder: 5 carrots, 1 cup spinach, ¼ turnip with the greens, 4 sprigs of parsley
Diuretic: ¼ of a watermelon including the rind
Arties and veins (to open and cleanse) 2 cups grapes, 2 apples, 1 cup pineapple
Spleen: ¼ cup dandelion, ¼ cup watercress, 4 carrots, and ½ beet with the greens
Colon Tonic: 6 carrots, one 3” wedge green cabbage, and one apple
Bladder Tonic: 3 apples, ½ cup cranberries
Colon Cleanser: 3 pares, and 3 apples
Hay Fever Helper: 6 Carrots, one stalk of celery and ¼ cup of parsley
Pain Relief: 6 carrots, one stalk of celery, ¼ of lettuce and ¼ cup of spinach.
Healthy Heart: 6 Carrots, ½ cucumber & ½ cup cabbage