Hi. I'm a 17 year old girl, and due to my mom's paranoia, I recently saw a retina doctor. I am having very strange symptoms. Usually, I can see quite well in the dark, but the past couple weeks I've had incidents of complete vision loss in one eye in the dark. It's always one eye at a time, though it's not always the same eye, and it has always happened just before I go to sleep at night. I'll turn off my light, and as one eye adjusts, the other eye remains in total blackness. If I turn the light on, I can see again fine, but when I turn the light back off I still can't see.
The eye doctor said my eyes are completely healthy. They have a "tilt", he said, which is why I'm nearsighted, but everything that he can see is perfectly fine. However, he referred me to a neurologist (specializing in eye things).
I still don't think there's anything really wrong with me, but my mom wants me to go just to be safe.
My question is...what kind of tests are they going to give me? I'm kind of scared, I don't like doctors in the first place, and I've never been to one so specialized. Also, does anyone have any insight into my problem?
Sorry this is so long, and if it's not pertinent to the board. Thank you for your help!