Well, that WAS a long post! ;-)
Alison, you have quite a way with delaying your growth - I just say go for it! You spend way too much time musing and deliberating .. it IS time to dance the dance!
(And succinct is not your life path I believe LOL!)
Onto the SP listening - yes, you are probably too open there. I can sense that (maybe one day, I'll be able to say .. "let's correct that!" ha ha!!)
I had been thinking about how someone can learn to understand their own intuitive strengths and how some people use more psychic senses than others, some are brilliant at one, some seem to access all areas etc. So i was just playing around with the different senses, to see which ones I was accessing more and how comfortable they made me feel.
1. The solar plexus area is linked with intuitive FEELING - gut feel -It's very feely and very physical - and very much linked with the nerve junctions in the body giving off signals.
2. Then there is intuitive KNOWING - when you just know! More of an inner wareness without physical reactions, and this is more linked with an opening of the crown chakra area.
3.. Then there's Intuitive HEARING - clairaudience - when you get inner sounds, words and even whole dialogues come to you, which seem outside of your normal mental thoughts
4. Intuitive VISION - seeing auras, pictures, events, 3rd eye, dreams, visions etc.
It's worth practising them individually, just by asking questions and then tuning into those areas, to see/feel/hear what happens. It helps to understand our own individual abilities and strengths. I am not quite sure where my exact strength lies (although the Cranial scaral therapist I've been seeing mentioned that he felt my clairaudience was becoming extremely powerful .. more on that later) since I am getting a mixture of all of them. The vision one being the weakest at present, quite simply because i can't "see" on command .. and I rarely dream.
Since you are very strong in intuitive feeling (SP) you will often feel bombarded by messages - and seperating your feelings from the feelings you pick up from others is going to be the key to unlock your potential.
yes, yes, you have all the signs of a feeler! That's why crowds can be daunting because you pick up so much when you're out and about. You''probably be very good
at psychometry - have you tried that?
I think I'm more of a knower and Hearer - and you may be feeler first, then visual. we make a team!
I was going to write my cranial sacral session that I had yesterday - and the tissue reading - but maybe I'll talk more of that later.
Have a great weekend Alison!
our thread always end up as some sort of spiritual pyjama party ;-)
What I was going to say is about trusting YOUR feelings more and just going with the training, since it resonates so deeply with you. Just tune into each loaction and each trainer (let go of the logical) and trust what your gut tells you to do. And make a plan around that.