The choice of oil for a liver-flush should ideally be high quality oil that doesn't contain any chemical additives. Oils are often cloudy making them appear unappealing and oxidize quickly giving then a short shelf life; consequently they are clarified and preserved by the manufacturers with chemicals. High quality cold pressed virgin olive oil doesn't oxidize easily and is a firm cost effective favourite for liver flushing. This does not preclude the use of other oils and all oils are digested quickly. Human fat is our natural food store and contains a high proportion of oleic fatty acid. Unsaturated fats do not require complex digestive processing and are simple broken down into their molecules (micro-emulsification) and then simple absorbed through the walls of the intestines. When the essential fatty acids linoleic and linolenic are present in sufficient quantity within lecithin, the melting point of cholesterol which is normally solid becomes liquid below normal body temperature. Linolenic or alpha-linolenic (omega 3) is an essential fatty acid and is contained in oils including flaxseed oil (40%), Hemp seed oil (20%), wheat germ oil (7%), Canola (5%) and soybean oil (8%). Olive oil may contain a small amount of Linolenic oil up to 1% depending on variety.
Sunflower oil is high in poly-unsaturated fatty acid.
Oleic fatty acid induces a pancreatic secretion of protein enzyme and, to a lesser extent, of water and bicarbonate. This effect is similar to that of cholecystokinin.
My opinion is: It would appear that oils high in mono-unsaturated Oleic fatty acid are very suited to
Liver Flushing because of their rapid transit and absorbs ion in the gut. It may also be appropriate to mix together oils to obtain a blend optimised in oleic and linolenic fatty acids such as 3 parts olive oil to 1 part flaxseed oil.