Thanks Everybody. The baking soda lessened it, though it wasn't really gone until I woke up this morning. was replaced with HIVES HIVES HIVES (head, neck, ears, eyes, chin, palms, knuckles, ribcage, elbows...). I have also NEVER had this happen before and I really don't know what the deal is. I'm on my 3rd day of
The Master Cleanse and I am quite experienced with this. Have done about 10 over the last two or three years. Any ideas of what is happening and what to do about the hives.
Also, I don't think it's a heart issue. I'm a healthy 36 year old female who generally eats VERY healthy and exercises all the time. Though I have WAY over-indulged in alcohol and some crappy food the last two months (ugh...weddings, holidays, and lack of willpower)! So maybe this is just an early detox symptom???