I get asked a lot to identify parasites. That's fine, there is certainly nothing wrong with wanting to know EXACTLY what is living in your body. HOWEVER - I have been noticing that many folks are taking parasite testing way overboard.
A person could spend THOUSANDS of dollars on hundreds of tests and still not find the answers they are looking for. I feel safe in saying that most doctors are not going to recommend parasite testing in the first place - if one should happen suggest testing, then it is a shot in the dark that the tests will reveal an infection anyway.
This obsession happens one of two ways - first, a person might do a parasite cleanse on a whim only to find they pass visible parasites - they then freak out and go overboard on testing and cleansing. The second scenerio is when a very ill person suspects that parasites might be the cause of their problems. They then are determined to identify they types of parasites BEFORE they will do a parasite cleanse.
I guess I am just frugal to a fault and the thought of so much money wasted on testing just bothers me. Looking at the big picture - does it really matter WHAT parasites are in the body? If a person suspects parasites, then it probably is.
My advice? Just cleanse 2-3 times per year and be done with it. No testing required.