I've never put it all the way on the back of my tongue, just a lick. With my humorous healing efforts,(the stories of pain, that make people howl with laughter later, are growing) I might have severl drops fall, or inhall them. I think I'll stick to licking. Oh, and the really powerful essentials that say you CAN take them internally--I was also told not to put them (peppermint) in a plastic bottle because they could melt it! I didn't risk it, but I found it hard to believe. But that brand of peppermint is REALLY strong....so, I guess you have to be wise...or if foolish like me, laugh after the pain. I don't think I've done any permenant damage yet.
I used to carry cayene around for that reason, but like for my husband. Then I figured if he ever needed it, he'd probably fight me, or it would be lost in my purse. I hope I put it back in before I'm sorry. Would you ever be brave enough to offer it to a stranger?
Just wondering.
I love essential oils. They are just so "essential" lolololol