My 6 pound male cat is diagnosed with a pancreatic and liver mass.
For this I have gotten:
Transfactor Feline Complete
Green and White Tea Extract (in capsule form)
Grapefruitseed Extract
Grape seed Extract
Flax Seed Oil
Aloe Vera SoftGels (200:1 concentrate "5000mg Equivalency") is this too strong? but on the back it says amount per serving 75 mg
Vitamin C powder (label says that 2 teaspoons of it is 2350 mg of Vitamin C (A
sorbic acid ), 450 mg Calcium, 250 mg Magnesim and 99 mg of Potassium. Are these other factors like Magnesium and Potassium ok for pets?)
Given the weight of my cat could all of these be overload? Should I be giving less than 1 capsule each for example for Immpower, Transfactor, Green and White Extract, Aloe Vera Softgels? Where can I find out more directions that is specific to my pets needs?
For the oil and grape extracts do I just drop a small bit and that's that?
Thank you.