Thanks, Jhan!
Is there a type of digestive enzyme you think is best (preferably one from GNC since it is easily accessible). I don't think my problem, which is a fungal skin infection, started or is currently a part of my digestive system, though. I first developed this problem in August when I used a "natural" deodorant with castor beans in it, which I apparantly was very allergic to. I developed a bad case of contact dermatitis, which set a staff infection in motion. That's when my dermatologist put me on a penicillin as an antibotic. The staff infection was gone after I finished the penicillin, but then the skin fungus set in--first under my arms, then in my groin area, and then down my legs. My dermatologist first put me on Ertaczo but after a week it was showing no progress and getting worse. When I went back, he was shocked at how bad it had gotten in one week. That's when he put me on the seven-day course of Fluconazole.
The Fluconazole worked wonders--in fact on a daily basis. At first I was scared to go off of it out of concern of a relapse, but my dermatologist assured me that this would not happen, or if it did, he would put me back on Fluconazole. He put me back on Ertazo and also gave me a prescription for Loprox in case the Ertaczo didn't work. For the first four days after I went off, all was well with the Ertaczo, but then this morning when I got up, it was already starting up again, and in fact, over night it had begun spreading down my legs. I decided that the Ertaczo wasn't working at all and this morning I switched to the Loprox. I'm hopeful that the Loprox will work where the Ertaczo did not.
In fact, this morning, I tried something different--I read on a website that a good way to prevent recurring jock itch is to use Selsun Blue on the affected area once every two weeks. This morning I used Selsun Blue in the shower followed by Loprox and it seems to have done wonders (at least so far--I don't want to get my hopes up yet!) I also sat in the sun some yesterday (as Ichewgum suggested), so that might have worked some too. At any rate, the infection looks like a burn tonight (and it's not weeping) and it did not bother me at all today (not even itch!) I hope that's a good sign!
I know you suggested the digestive supplement to support the liver in die-off, though, so I would really like to find out which type you suggest.
Thanks in advance,