I am drinking copious amounts of water. In fact, I drink at least 4 poland spring 16oz bottles before 11am and the other 2 bottles before 2pm. I think it might be helping, but of course, we're the last to smell the odor so I'm only guessing based on the reactions of others.
This is how I start my health regimen:
Upon awakening I take 1 tablespoon of organic/cold pressed sunflower seed oil. I oil pull for 20 minutes first thing on an empty stomach. After that I rinse with
Sea Salt and baking soda before brushing thoroughly. After that I mix
Sea Salt and water together for a neti wash to clear out my sinuses and head. Before showering, I skin brush with clove bud oil and lavender or lemongrass depending on my mood. After I finish skin brushing, I get into the shower and cleanse with Olive Leaf Extract soap. After soaping completely from head to toe, I run the warm
Sea Salt and water solution through both nostrils. After I have completed that I soap up again. My final rinse is cool water.
I lotion up with oxygenated lotion and add a couple drops of clove oil to the lotion and massage my feet. When I get to work, I write the words "Love and Gratitude" on a white post it note and tape it to the bottle I am about to drink. After finishing that, I put the note on the next bottle, and so on...
For the past two days, noone complained of the odor. In fact, I have running around the city feeling freer than I have for months. I have also decided to adopt the attitude, that I deserve to be on the planet just like everyone else, and if they don't like the odor, then they should move on, cause I'm here to stay in whatever condition I'm in, so there....
I live in midtown. If you want to meet up at Central Park, lemme know.
Be well.