molly bloom
I read one of your other posts. You've got some issues for sure, probably worse than mine. I once had loss of taste too many years ago. And everything I smelled was very chemical too. Two allergists could not figure it out, but the one thing that was obvious is that when I exercise heavily, this seems to occur. In my case at least, there is a condition out there that happens with exercise. Yep...I'm allergic to exercise.....great excuse huh? But I do it anyway, and still smell that chemical smell when I done.
It's any nut or seed oil. Preferably organic and either cold pressed or expeller pressed. If you are near a health food store, try a bottle of either sesame or walnut. I would definitely put the drops of tea tree and oil of oregano into the mix.
Just take a tablespoon, put a few drops of each of these essential oils and then fill the rest of the spoon up with oil. Insert in mouth and swish for 20 minutes. When done, spit out and gargle and rinse with warm
Sea Salt water. Wha La.....very easy.
And you can do this a few times a day, but best done on an empty stomach. First thing in the a.m., and then whenever you can fit it in. I do it twice a day. First thing in the morning, and then just before dinner.
Good luck.