Hi ibee,
Sorry for the delay. I was on a family vacation that had no internet access. I wasn't happy about it!
I would suggest that you stop all irrigations. Colonic irrigation is not a good idea until the gut is balanced and the IBS is under control. All the good bacteria in the gut was killed. A good prebiotic, probiotic, organic yogurt is a good start. She needs to get her gut back in balance. A probiotic, seven spectum would be the most effective. Take this along with a prebiotic. This is important to grow the good bacteria again.
Echinacea as a supplement, it has poly saccharides and it incourages the good bacteria to flourish. It's anti viral and will help to resolve the IBS. If you are carrying a high virus load this is a likely place from where the IBS came from.
Lemon grass, thyme, sage, oregano, bay leaf, basil are all anti-viral. Have her eat salads with these herbs in them or use them in your recipes. If you are looking for an anti viral formula let me know and I will post you some suggestions.
If she is stressed out and needs supplementation try taking the B vitamins and a good support that is taylored for women.
Sorry again for the delay.
Ask Kelley