Kevin...You've already taken the biggest and most important step of stepped out
of your negative surroundings and into a whole new world full of opportunities and promise. Hurray for YOU!!! :-)
It all sounds wonderful kevin, and I am so happy for you. I think you're going to
find that being in better surroundings and away from negativity is going to help
you tremendously in your quest for good health.
Take some time now and just enjoy being in those surroundings. Let yourself live
and breathe and enjoy life just a little bit.
And I'm 'glad' you didn't get lost! :-) I actually worried about that...or that
you might have an accident...or talk to the wrong stranger. :-)
But you're on the right track now, kevin, and that track is going to lead you to
the kind of life you only dreamed of before! Being in happier surroundings will
make handling your pain and health problems a lot easier...and who may even just go away on its own. Just let yourself relax and enjoy life for a while.
You don't even have to post on here we DO want to keep in touch with
you!!! But if you spend too much time on curezone, you could find yourself back
in the same old rutt. So give it some time...if you have a any time...and at least bop in and give us an update every now and then.
I wish for you the very, very best. I'm going to be praying that your life turns
around in such a positive way that you wouldn't even have dreamed of just a few
short weeks ago.
And do you know what else??? I'll bet that 'special girl' that God has planned
for you to meet, is an Oklahoma girl! :-) But you're going to have to clean up
your language...and not talk like some of the post I've read on curezone...I hope
you'll put 'that' kevin behind you. You need to move on with the 'kevin' who wants
to work with young people and lead 'them' to the Lord. And also, kevin, really
'special girls'...are not attracted to guys who use the kind of language you've
used on curezone.....soooooooooooooooooo enough of me talking negative...I don't
believe in pessimism...I believe in always looking for the good in everything...
and when we do that...we'll find it!
So get settled...and if you're really wanting to turn your life around...get in a
good church right away. Visit around a little and get the 'feel' of several.
Try the 'small' churches first. When you walk in the door of a really good church
you'll 'know it'...because you will feel the presence of the Lord and the people
will be friendly and accepting from the beginning. Who knows...that may be where that special girl is. :-)
You know there's a lot of hub bub right now over a movie called "The Secret"...I
was emailing all my friends a couple of weeks ago...because "I" got an email about
it and was told the details would be on Larry naturally...I like to
spread good news and it sounded good to I emailed all 'my' friends that watch tv...
It was a movie they said would 'change the world'...and everyone just MUST see it..
but what it turned out to be was 'much ado about nothing' took that panel
60 minutes to say in about 58 different ways, that..."Life is what you make of it..
always has been...and always will be" ...and that's so true kevin. You're so
young...the sky is absolutely the limit for doubt about it.
Remember to look for ways each day to lift other people doors for elderly at them and tell them to have a great lifting others will also be lifting yourself higher and higher. and speak to everyone...let yourself be a shining example of God's love
and kindness...that's what you said you WANTED to just start BEING that! :-)
Always 'act' happy...and be perky...and 'train yourself' be what you want to be. Be that person we always hear about that lights up a room when they walk in...
and 'that' comes from 'personality', kevin...not clothes or material things or even
having comes from within. You have that deep inside you...I could feel
it in some of your posts. So don't settle for being 'one of the crowd' have
it within YOU to be 'one in a million'. :-)
So keep us posted...and go out there and make yours...the best life anyone could
ever want. :-) We love you and we're pulling for you!!! kathryn
PS...I've listed some of my very favorite sayings...if you can...print them off
and read them every single morning......if you don't have a printer...just copy
them should even make a couple of copies...and put one in your billfold...if you feel down during the day...get that piece of paper out and read
the sayings...they will fill you with new energy! :-)
"Every life tells a story...make yours a masterpiece!"
"Find at least one reason each day to just sit back and say..."Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh".
"Some people 'make things happen'...
Others 'watch things happen'...
the rest just wonder..."WHAT HAPPENED?"
"Observe with care the things around you...few of us 'observe'..we only 'see'."
"If you're not using your're like a man with a million dollars in the
bank and no check book!"
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones"
"Whether you think you can...or you think you can''re right"
"If you'll just go around thinking something good is about to probably
It doesn't take any more time to think in a way that makes your life better...
than it does to think in a way that makes your life miserable."