Hi Ya'll,
There seems to be much mis-understanding about the use of Kelp in ones Diet !
Kelp may provide great Benefits when the body has enough Calcium !
But "IF" the body does "NOT" have enough Calcium, then you may run into some problems by just taking a lot of Kelp and not supplying enough Calcium !
The body requires ratios of each mineral to each other for Health to come about !
You can "NOT" become healthy or stay healthy by only eating one Alkaline Mineral !
The body needs to have certain ratios between the Calcium and the Magnesium as well as between the Sodium and the Potassium as well as between the combined Calcium and Magnesium to the Combined Sodium and Potassium as well as many other ratios between other Alkaline Minerals to acids etc !
The body "MUST" have enough Calcium for the rest to be able to work properly, and most people do not get enough Calcium and thus may be the Cause for many problems !
So, "IF" you think you may just take some Kelp to Solve all of your problems and do not get enough Calcium, you may be in for a rude awakening !
And this may be some of the reasons why some may want to Claim iodine toxicity from Kelp, because when you may be too short of the needed Calcium, then all kinds of problems may appear from many Different reasons in the body from the Lack of Calcium !
Smile Tis your choice.