Finally!!! but why so much time. Too me he's not a sceptic but a troll out for an agenda. He apparently didn't read any posts accept for a few. Little research etc.
So what took so much time? The overposting is ridiculus and this is the 3rd time in the past 2 weeks that this happened. I don't mind skeptics.
I don't feel like using the
Debate Forums since I feel that it is not being monitored properly so frankly it's a waste of time since it causes a lot of aggrravation. And a pit in my stomach. You call this healthy?
The replies by these 3 are so similiar at times I thought it was the same person.
You call debating bashing the whole alternative medical field and doctors as quacks.
That's not civilized. That's not debating. And warnings - need a tougher policy.
I will not stand for this. For one thing I'll give you credit for moving faster on David but 2 weeks on Kyle - no way.