You are absolutely right. After about 2 years of 80% fruitarian living,(80% fruitarian because sometimes I want to get aggressive so I eat meat and for variation some vegetables). Anyway, aside from the physical health improvements of fruitarian diet, my attitude is 100% CALMER.
Things that would provoke me, no longer provoke me. Things that would in the past cause a bad reaction, now cause no reaction. I just re-focus on good things I can do.
Anger is almost gone from my life. When I ate a lot of meat, grains and dairy I had a chip on my shoulder. Not anymore. I am actually chipper, upbeat, and happy most days. And if not, 10 juiced lemons mixed with honey, mh's recipe, will correct any mood.
The pineapples, oranges, lemons, pears, apples, berries, coconut milk, almond milk, eaten as a staple for last 2 years, plus fresh pommegramme juice in season, grapes, raisins, and lots of herb teas and spice teas are responsible for the melting away of my bad attitude that was caused by wrong diet, poisoning, toxicity and congestion. I also think most humans suffer from advanced forms of scurvy and do not even know it. The fruitarian diet and herbs correct and eliminate the diseases caused by scurvy. I also take 10 grams of rose hips, vitamin C a day to keep my blood clean and free of micro organisms.(Enby)
Breatharian is down the road for me, I would miss the cleansing and astringent effect of pineapples and the nourishing taste of coconut milk. After my 3rd, 40 day juice fast, I began to suffer fears, starvation fears, as I realized my whole bio programme was being challenged in the 3rd 40 day fast, after that 3rd fast ended, I ate some meat to ground myself and relieve and comfort old programed bio tapes. It is very hard to become breatharian, you must conquer every fear and biological belief you ever held and convince your body to do same.
I like to spend time in spiritual studies that are pretty esoteric, if I did not eat, or was breatharian, I think I would float away into the ethers or something. For now, 80% fruitarian diet keeps me grounded.
Glad your doing well on your fruitarian diet. It, fruitarian diet, herbs and fasting has been a Godsend, cleansing and healing diet for me.
Best Wishes