Haha, that's funny!
I do somewhat agree, I've thought of the US as Europe's little brother. "Na na na, I'm gonna show you! I'm better than you! I've learned from your mistakes and I'm going to rule the world!". When instead a great deal of exagerration, self-centeredness and denial is going on. One day, if, say, a natural disaster happens in North America, they will come running "back home" to Europe, crying for help.
Nothing personal, I just hope you guys started voting for a more intelligent government that STOPPED putting their nose into other countries' business and USING everyone! You might have evolved from Europe in many things and have great things to offer, but for heaven's sake, why keep on insisting on war after war for ENTERTAINMENT while there's plenty of things going wrong within your own nation?
This is not a troll post. Just venting my feelings.