Hi Guys,
What an evening... I did Dr. Clark's Flush to the T till this morning... I guess the
Epsom Salt is a powerful treatment itself... By 9:00pm I had serious diahrea... I hadn't had that much in the way of solid foods lately and then yesterday's light meals left me vulnerable for the salts to clean my out and up, LOL... Tthe Grapefruit only supplied alittle less than 1/2 a cup of juice (it large too)... The oil/juice went down fine... I didn't hear or feel much going on in the stomach at all... Didn't sleep well though even with taking the Ornithine... Upon awakening, the diahrea was pounding at the door again (by the way, I had to get up about 11:00 for it too), so I did my thing... Yes, there were little BB and smaller sized thingees floating around... I'd say the color leans more to the brown, but tinges of green too... "Yes, I'm graphic", LOL... there were plenty, mostly tiny...
The oily part of the bowel movement hasn't arrived yet though... Thats what I hope brings out the good stuff... I still feel pain and tenderness this morning... For those that have/had pains and tenderness, Does it linger for awhile??? How long before you'd actually feel better???
Hey, I Love the idea that I have a support group... Thanks for being here...